Tuesday, April 27, 2010

eighteen25 inspiration!!

I stumbled on this blog a few weeks ago and didn't have a spare second to check it out, but from my first glimpse, i knew it was going to be awesome. and it is. Ü {little background - eighteen25 is a blog done by 3 sisters that live in vegas with endless amounts of creativity! they are awesomely generous and post free downloads for you all the time. it always makes me feel better to know that it's not just one person with all this pent up creativity!}

Thank you gifts!!! some of these {i don't know - like maybe one) are teacher specific, but the rest can be used for any occassion! Like somebody in your neighborhood or a dear friend who just needs a chocolate break, or a coworker who went out of their way to do an awesome favor for you!
she even gives you a free printable download!! kudos to you girl. Ü


and these for me. haha Ü althought writing "secret" on it doesn't neccessarily mean that someone else won't find it. lol. again - more free downloads for cute candy jars! {ps - these would probably work awesome with those cheapo spice jars at ikea!!}


she bought this tray at target for $2.50! then she made it even cuter - time to go to target again!


I know easter's over, but this is such a cute idea!!


anyways - this blog is pretty fresh on the market, but is already full of super awesomeness has been an instant hit! They've only been going for a month and a half and already have over 600 followers - amazing! Head on over and check it out! Ü

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sewing projects!

cutest red shoes ever!!

hehe, i need to make this for the handyman . . . he loves his spreedsheets!


these headbands are way too easy . . . and adorable!


oh my stinkin cute! where the wild things are costume for halloween!


i want to go buy my own pair of nylons and make some for myself!!!! lol Ü


Baby car seat cover


I love how mod this quilt looks
