Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ashley Ann Photography

I'm going to start with previous emails that I've sent my sister, and mix and mingle it in with new stuff that I find. Today's post is some stuff i found for christmas ideas, but will work for pretty much whatever you want it to Ü

{I don't always post pictures of everything, but irregardless, you should click on the link. I promise it's cute Ü}

this bag is so cute - i think it would be way fun to make my own shopping bags like this
i have the bags ready and waiting . . .
and this one is just cute and funny at the same time: a hubby bribe gift
garden gift basket
make the cuteness stop!

For Starters

I don't find all this stuff just sifting through Blogland on my own. i have help and lots of it. And I'm most certainly not the only blog in blogland doing this sort of thing, but I like to keep all my ideas tucked away in ONE place (remember I'm OCD), so I shall put them here.

These are my main squeezies - they find the cutest stuff for me - oh, and did I mention that they are generally cheap ideas or tutorials? Lurve. (So does the hubby - keeps his wallet fat) :

Thrifty Decor Chick
Today's Creative Blog
The DIY Show Off
Better After
One Pretty Thing

So if you're too impatient to wait for me to filter through them, or you don't like my sense of style (I know it can probably be bad sometimes) go check them out Ü

All right, I give

So my sisters begged and begged (i mean BEGGED {kidding, but they did ask}) for me to start up a blog with all of the cute ideas that I find on the internet. Occasionally, I'll email them links to things I think they might like as well, and I guess that the word has spread.

I don't necessarily care about grammer, so sorry if it bugs you that i don't always capitalize everything Ü.

I've been known on occasion to be called 'Miss Martha' - as in Martha Stewart - who's so crafty, it bugs. I don't like Martha Stewart, but I do have to say that she {AND her creative team - we all know she can't come up with all that crap by herself} make some really cute stuff sometimes.

Anyways - I'm not a Martha Stewart by any means of the imagination. Seriously {and don't roll your eyes}. I'm not. I'm just not a crafty person. The thing is, I'm OCD and I wish -with nearly all my heart, might, mind, and soul - that I was. So I utilize the internet to my benefit. I search for all the latest cuteness to hit blogland. Whether it be cooking, sewing, cardmaking, decorating, organization, or something that's just plain adorable, I tuck it away and pull out said resources when needed. Through my research, I think maybe a little bit of crafty dust has been sprinkled on me, or maybe I'm just learning, but either way - it's working! Ü

So I'll post my cute finds here for you too, whether you're a crafty person just looking for inspiration, or a non-crafty person trying to be crafty.

I hope you enjoy and if you're looking for something specific, let me know. I tend to go crazy with cute finds when I'm actually looking for something specific. Ü {just ask my sister . . . }