So my sisters begged and begged (i mean
BEGGED {kidding, but they did ask}) for me to start up a blog with all of the cute ideas that I find on the internet. Occasionally, I'll email them links to things I think they might like as well, and I guess that the word has spread.
I don't necessarily care about grammer, so sorry if it bugs you that i don't always capitalize everything Ü.
I've been known on occasion to be called 'Miss Martha' - as in Martha Stewart - who's so crafty, it bugs. I don't like Martha Stewart, but I do have to say that she {AND her creative team - we all know she can't come up with all that crap by herself} make some really cute stuff sometimes.
Anyways - I'm not a Martha Stewart by any means of the imagination. Seriously {and don't roll your eyes}. I'm not. I'm just not a crafty person. The thing is, I'm OCD and I
wish -with nearly all my heart, might, mind, and soul - that I was. So I utilize the internet to my benefit. I search for all the latest cuteness to hit blogland. Whether it be cooking, sewing, cardmaking, decorating, organization, or something that's just plain adorable, I tuck it away and pull out said resources when needed. Through my research, I think maybe a little bit of crafty dust has been sprinkled on me, or maybe I'm just learning, but either way - it's working! Ü
So I'll post my cute finds here for you too, whether you're a crafty person just looking for inspiration, or a non-crafty person trying to be crafty.
I hope you enjoy and if you're looking for something specific, let me know. I tend to go crazy with cute finds when I'm actually looking for something specific. Ü {just ask my sister . . . }